Our open and collaborative workspace offers students a unique learning space to maximize their time in school. Students can enjoy each other while also growing in their communication skills, study skills, leadership skills, work ethic, character, and more. This is another way we help them succeed in ways that are more important than a test score!
Students become known by their teachers, assessed based on them as people, mentored to be successful as people in whatever context they find themselves and enjoy a place to belong and grow.
What experience do we offer?
- Students are encouraged to grow as individuals.
- Academic skills, character, and personal growth challenged all the time.
- Career or College? Students are prepared for whatever is next.
- Teachers invest to become trusted mentors.
- Future-Minded and Personalized Goals Pursued
We are hyper-focused on providing a whole-student education where the teacher maximizes their time in face-to-face interactions while offering experiences for the student to grow and develop within. These experiences help students become excited about lifelong learning, equipped to educate themselves, work well with others, practice the formal skills for further education, apply key soft skills to all parts of their lives, and to be curious!
What kind of students is NDA seeking to cultivate?
Lifelong Learners
Value Integrity
Prepared for the Next Steps
Classes that Introduce and Equip
We want our students to be prepared for the new world we live in. To help them, we offer classes and learning opportunities that open up new avenues of interest and skills they may not have known about before.
Looking for real world relevance? We offer CPU programming courses, tech skills, a variety of work-related electives, new topics, and career introductions, and much more! Soft skills that are irreplaceable are emphasized in each class.
Ahead or struggling? Students looking for a new start are allowed to succeed and flourish in a safe environment. Excelling students are challenged and allowed to excel in whatever subject they are interested in.
Looking toward college? ACT/SAT Prep classes are offered while ensuring that excelling students or college-minded students have their skills and classes assessed based on those goals in mind.
Are parents feeling left out of the process? We see education as a partnership and encourage open communication between staff and parents. The only way to succeed is with you on board!
This is a great question! There is so much that goes into what we offer our 7th-12th graders. In summary, we offer a comfortable, relaxed, and cultivating place for your student to grow and develop in these pivitol years while making lasting memories which will propel them into who God has intended them to be.
The Heart of the Problem
Most people look back at their middle and high school years and remember the friendships and experiences that helped shape them. Will your child have those experiences where they currently are? For students today many cannot wait to move on from these years. Many students today face extreme bullying, the desire to stand out or be cast out by their peers, a school environment that brings anxiety and stress. These realities are heartbreaking and also contribute to an educational space that has more barriers to success than avenues.
The Heart of NDA
Here at NDA our staff dive into the student culture here to protect it and ensure that students develop lasting friendships and build experiences that they will look back on with gratefulness and joy. We are fully involved in resolving conflict, we do not tolerate bullying, and hold students accountable for what they do here at NDA. We focus on a growth mindset in their studies helping them discovery their talents, giftings, and passions. Our goal is to help cultivate students that have self-confidence, problem-solving skills, greater self-knowledge, and the practical knowledge sutied to their future real life.
We graduate students with a diploma, and more importantly, equipped for their next steps into the workplace or to further their education. Through self-discovery, the mastery of important life skills, and the pursuit of the right education for their future students will have experiences that they can look back on with gratefulness.
Interested in enrollment or want to set up a campus visit? Submit this form!
Middle School - Math Foundations 1 & 2 focus on developing a student's problem-solving ability and resilience while mastering key math concepts to prepare them for math in high school.
High School - In High School, we offer the three required math classes (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry) and as a fourth credit, we include a Consumer Math or flex a Pre-Algebra year for our 9th graders. Consumer math is a course that is focused on preparing students to understand real-life concepts like interest, loans, taxes, and more.
High School students are required to have three science credits in their high school career. We focus on meeting requirements and being practical in regard to the needs of our students and families. We offer Biology, Physical Science, Anatomy, Astronomy, and Marine Biology.
Our middle and high school students take science together. This is done due to the many benefits that it brings both older and younger. For our middle school students, the teacher focuses on conceptual understanding and an introduction to key materials rather than mastery. This is a great way for a student to be better prepared in high school for the demands of science while also encouraging multi-grade engagement with high schoolers. For high school students, there is a focus on mastery of vocabulary, concepts, and key ideas with an ability to explain and present on them in an effective way.
These studies form the experiential identity and theme for our year. Each social studies class will offer a different experience for our students. These social studies classes focus on an experience in history and a working understanding of the key concepts, cultural movements, people and events that propelled history forward. We look at history as vital and often overlooked. Our students will wrestle through ethical problems, look backward to help form better answers for today's challenges, and to meet the God of History who is working in all of it for His glory and our good.
American Story 1 - Early American History
American Story 2 - Later American History
Adventures in the Sea & Sky - World History through the Lens of Transportation Technology
A Quest in the Ancient World
A Quest in the Middle Ages to the Era of Revolution and Radicals
A Quest for Modern History
Experience World Cultures - Visit 26 Countries Around the World!
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Phone: 231-527-9683