1st Elective -- Elective Class Options begin after the first two classes (Language Arts and Math).
This class will focus on the art and science of nature journaling. By developing effective observational skills, data collection, observation, classification, and artistic skills students will be able to grow their artistic talents by creating depictions of natural surroundings on campus. A truly enriching and engaging opportunity! This will take place all year and students that enroll in this one will be taking it all year.
2nd Elective Hour
Students who sign up for this can curate this elective time to a particular interest or college preparation like ACT/SAT class. Once chosen the student will in the first week choose their topic and receive a structured plan from the Lead Teacher as to how they will carry out their topic. It will be enrichment, skill, or prep focused with a project goal to be established between teacher and student.
This modern classic is a fantasy adventure written like C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. Significant themes will be explored throughout this class about purpose, meaning, friendship, family, evil, good, justice, injustice, courage and more.
There is a $10 book fee for this class but students are able to
3rd Elective Hour
Students will take part in the first of a two-class program where they are introduced to careers related to property management and realty. This course will equip them to understand how property operates in the economy, why it may be a good choice for them in the future, and understand the requirements in Michigan to have a career in property management or realty. This class will be led by an experienced realtor and house inspector with additional speakers coming in on key topics.
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Phone: 231-527-9683